Mitel MiVoice Call Recording
MiVoice Call Recording & Quality Management enables your organization to quickly capture, archive, organize, playback and share voice documentation for valuable insight into customer interactions. With a complete suite of quality assurance, evaluation, and e-learning tools, you’re empowered to instantaneously review call handling performance to ensure adherence to best practices and uncover coaching opportunities.
Working for a highly scrutinized organization? Unlock the benefits of call recording using MiVoice Call Recording’s powerful voice documentation security and privacy features—including segmented recording access, encrypted media streaming, centralized file delivery and automated data life-cycle management.
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)
- The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
- Financial Services Authority
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Do-Not-Call Implementation Act & Telemarketing Sales Rule
Key Benefits:
- Improve customer experience through employee and customer evaluations to increase service levels and KPIs
- Quickly access recordings to resolve customer disputes, optimize best practices and ensure governance
- Gain customer trust and loyalty by protecting their most sensitive information and mitigate regulatory fines